Good practices and investments related to Cleaner Production
Example No. 14
Recovery of heat energy accumulated in Jurassic deep water intakes
BWiK WOD-KAN Sp. z o.o. in Biała Podlaska
Industry branch: wastewater treatment, waste management
Resources in question:
Pollution, waste in question:
- Emissions into the atmosphere
- Waste
Cost (implementation of good practice): High
(PLN 865 482 - total cost of the task: Modernization of the heating system at Narutowicz's base)
Description of the problem:
Thermal energy required to heat the Water Treatment Station at ul. Narutowicza (WTS) was produced in the company's own coal boiler house. The company decided to apply an ecological solution, focusing on the use of renewable energy sources and self-sufficiency in the supply of heat.
Applied solution:
Under the task "Thermomodernization of office buildings and a workshop with the startup of a heat pump" (in the years 2005-7) 8 heat pumps of the power of 36.5 kW each were installed. The pumps use the heat energy accumulated in the Jurassic deep water intakes. Since the water extracted from a Jurassic well (from a depth of 484 m below the ground level) has a temperature of about 160C and is susceptible, as is the case with warm water, to biological contamination, lowering its temperature was considered. The optimal procedure, positively affecting the process of water treatment and supply, is the reduction of its temperature and usage of the recovered heat.
Obtained benefits and effects of the implementation:Heat energy recovery.
- Average annual heat energy recovery: 242 MWh.
- Full satisfaction of the thermal needs of the Water Treatment Plant.
The implementation of the task is part of the ecological activities pursued by the Company under the idea of EKOCITY Biała Podlaska (ecological city) and the sustainable development strategy implemented under the Cleaner Production Program.

Room with a heat pump system in the Narutowicz Water Treatment Station – photo no 1
Room with a heat pump system in the Narutowicz Water Treatment Station – photo no. 2
- https://www.cp.org.pl/2020/03/dobre-praktyki-cp-14-odzysk-energii.html
material has been subsidized by the National Fund for Environmental
Protection and Water Management. The Polish Cleaner Production Movement
Association is solely responsible for its content
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