Good practices and investments related to Cleaner Production
Example No. 6
Exemplary waste segregation at source
MCD Electronics sp. z o.o. in Żywiec
Industry branch: electronic industry
Resources in question:
- Secondary raw materials
- Waste (packaging and production waste)
Cost (implementation of good practice): Low
Collection of waste for recycling processes is conditioned by its good segregation at source, which will guarantee the maintenance of cooperation with recipients of secondary raw materials. It is significantly hindered by mistakes in segregation made by the employees.
Applied solution:
The company took into account the manner of calling different types of waste by the employees. For example, waste reels, from which electronic components are assembled in printed circuits, are in the employees' language "automatic wheels". Other elements are, for example, "fittings" or "sticks". It was ensured that the waste of a given type was made of the same material - e.g. all "automatic wheels" are made of polystyrene. The containers were described with the names used by the employees and photos of sample waste from a given group were added. This increased the number of containers, but contributed to a significant reduction of mistakes in the segregation process.
Obtained benefits and effects of the implementation:
- Correct waste segregation
- Guarantee of waste collection as secondary raw materials by external recipients
- Raising the awareness of all those who see this solution (employees, trainees, guests, service technicians) and satisfaction from a good functioning of segregation at source

Sample container markings
(descriptions in th epicture: Plastic fittings, Plastics (automatic wheels), PVC sticks)
Source: MCD Electronics sp. z o.o.
material has been subsidized by the National Fund for Environmental
Protection and Water Management. The Polish Cleaner Production Movement
Association is solely responsible for its content
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